تماشای ویدئو How to update firmware and upload program into ESP8266 ESP 07 and ESP 12e از آی-ویدئو

--------- ESP-12E ESP-07 ---------- RX to TX TX to RX VCC to 3.3V CHPD(EN) to 3.3V GND to GND GPIO-15 to GND (Read from RAM - floating is Read from SD-Card Mode) GPIO-0 to GND (Program upload Mode) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Win32 Windows Flasher: https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-flasher/raw/master/Win32/Release/ESP8266Flasher.exe Win64 Windows Flasher: https://github.com/nodemcu/nodemcu-flasher/raw/master/Win64/Release/ESP8266Flasher.exe
28 آبان 1396