تماشای ویدئو Greens Function for yf از آی-ویدئو

The differential equation y'' = f on the interval [0,1], y(0)=y(1)=0, can be solved using the Green's function G(x,ξ), y(x) is just the integral of G(x,ξ)f(ξ). This video approximates the function f(x) as a sum of δ-Distributions (blue), and shows the resulting solution in red at each step. As the Green's function G(x,ξ) is the solution of y''=δ_ξ for each ξ, adding the solutions for each δ-Distribution amounts to adding a bit of curvature at point ξ until it is virtually indistinguishable from the analytic
5 تیر 1396