تماشای ویدئو Urmia Three Domes Urmu Urmiye اورمیه اورمو سه گنبد ارومیه از آی-ویدئو

The monument know ad Three Domes (Turkish Language=Üç Günbəz, Suyunbəz) today lies within the City Of Urmia Whileit Used To be a Short distance Away, and outside the City Wall Near Bazar Bash Gate about a century ago. This tomb dates back to Seljuk Period and the Atabaki Era of Mohammad Hahan Pahlevan one the Azerbaijan Atabaks(570-581 A.H). Three Domes is cylindrical in structure, Consistinf of two floors in the interior a Cellar and worship place. Asmaller dome has been built on the main
5 فروردین 1396