We give you a full cinematic trailer of Final Stand DLC. Hope you enjoy this remake.
Credits in order of appearance:
tldr_baz, Collision_TN, Proudlyy, Dark_Underlord, Berutonas, IImk2nII, Miloshthemeet01, Hostter, ShatTheNoobGuy, AlfaFilms, Destroyer_Stas, R-Gramatom, TheMuffin47, Darnok1221, Foxiravoc, Kp-Bil, Leveori, rus_G3neral, PortalFPS, 21_Berzerk_21, TheBullzeyeKK, TemplarKiller0_o, Billykid64, 48_Veranda, VicenteProD, Mr_Genallist, Tombull89, BlackKnightBGR, Snaip.
Music: Battlefield Final Stan